(517) 525-2478 lenamaxson@gmail.com


Types Of Massage Therapy

Medical/Sports Massage

Medical/Sports massage therapy is geared toward athletes of every kind, from world-class professionals to weekend joggers. Focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements. One of the key benefits of Sports massage therapy compared to other modalities is its ability to target muscle-tendon junctions. For anyone participating in regular physical activity, Sports massage therapy every week or two may be a great addition to your normal regimen. It’s best to talk with one of our professional massage therapists to find a plan that will work best with your schedule, level of activity and budget.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage therapy is similar to Swedish massage, but the deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints). A study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that people’s blood pressure fell after a single 45 to 60 minute deep tissue massage. Additionally, a 2010 meta-analysis in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that massage modalities like deep tissue reduce stress hormone levels and heart rate while boosting mood and relaxation by triggering the release of oxytocin and serotonin.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage therapy is the modality that comes to mind when most people think about massage. As the best-known type of bodywork performed today, one of the primary goals of the Swedish massage technique is to relax the entire body. This is accomplished by rubbing the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. But Swedish massage therapy goes beyond relaxation. Swedish massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.

Energetic Massage During Moon Cycles

Just as the lunar phases have an effect on the ocean’s tides and other bodies of water, the moon’s gravitational forces effect living bodies as well. By scheduling massages during the waxing and waning cycles of the moon, the power of the full moons and enhanced massage environment will cause a long and lasting relaxation you can only experiences during these cycles.